Updates of April 2024

Style reference feature, idea generator for your prompts and combination of style-consistent vectors

ChangelogApril 30, 2024

Hey there!

This month, I'm introducing a game-changing feature that will increase your productivity! And stay until the end because I'm sharing another unexpected way to use Paint Potion for complex vectors

The highlights:

  • Style reference feature

  • Idea generator for your prompts

  • Combination of style-consistent vectors

1) Import the Style of Your Clients

Say hello to custom styles! You can now upload one or several images into a custom style, and Paint Potion will analyze its style and apply it to your next prompts for great style-consistent vector production

2) Stop the Blank-Page Syndrome

The new Idea Generator is here to spark your creativity. Simply input the context of your illustration (a presentation, a social media post, a website's hero section) and let Paint Potion generate a variety of prompts and ideas.

For even quicker vector production: you can copy the prompt you want and paste it into the Generate page to have your vector in less than a minute compared to the moment you needed it!

Bonus Inspiration

Check out this Twitter thread where I use the power of Paint Potion and the new Style Reference feature by combining different vectors with a common style to create a complex and beautiful final result: https://twitter.com/bryanpar_/status/1783446062671527973

I'm excited to see what you think about these updates. As always, I'm looking forward to your feedback. Keep creating and stay tuned for the upcoming changes in May!


Bring Your Ideas to Life with PaintPotion

Transform your concepts into unique, style-consistent vector illustrations in seconds.